27th, 2003 Well,
I've just finished watching the WWE's Memorial Day 2003
RAW, and I'm thoroughly puzzled. I've noticed that no
matter how HARD and LOUD the crowd cheers or pops for
KANE and RVD, the WWE seems hell bent on giving us less
and less of the Dynamite Duo IN prime matches.
Last night, KANE wasn't even slated to a wrestling match
- what grappling he DID do in the sidelines and as a run
in was kick-assed and power-packed - but the
"powers" let us know under no uncertain terms
that KANE was in the backseat.
Over the weekend, KANE and RVD took on the newst tag team
of La Resistance during a couple of the house shows.
Apparently the WWE liked what it saw in that matchup, and
decided to use it on the televised show. Great - I'm
always interested in seeing new playthings for KANE come
forth on the show. . . to me it means KANE will be in
action that much longer. And I also believe that one of
THE best wrestlers that could get another notarity IS
KANE . . .
But DAMN, I'm tired of viewing what seems to me to be
constant blows to the face of KANE with the lack of
respect and support the WWE exhibits toward him! I'm
heartily sick of the current theme courtesy of the
company of Wecheatum & Gloat - and hate seeing it
utilized in any storyline involving KANE. Never-the-less,
that is what happened lastnight to get La Resistance in
Bad Blood going for the tag title KANE and RVD currently
hold. I'm torn between wanting to SEEEEEEE KANE on the
PPV and not wanting to get the PPV because I can't stand
what I'm seeing on the regularly scheduled weekly shows.
GO to the Bad Blood site at http://badblood.wwe.com/ and
you won't see KANE and RVD's pictures under the Matches
section. What you WILL see, as of 6:47pm ET on
05/07/2003, is a pic of La Resistance - even though KANE
and RVD are the reigning champions, and BOTH parties are
shown for each of the other matches currently listed.
I have to ask - what the HELL did KANE ever do, besides
work his arse off for the "Company" and the
fans????? IS this really what comes of being one of the
TRULY hardest working wrestlers in professional wrestling
today???? Is THIS the reward for being an exemplary
employee and an upstanding individual in and out of the
Oh - I've tussled with the notion that KANE himself might
have opted for little or no action in the ring on RAW,
for whatever his reasons might be. But it's not like this
is the first time for this lack of prime KANE. And the
crappy part about all this - is floundering for a way to
get my feelings, and from reading around the web - those
of other KANEnites, across to the WWE. The more we seem
to petition, write, call or chat on behalf of KANE, the
less we see of him. One of my fellow Kanenites stated she
cherishes all she gets of KANE in action, whether its
thrity minutes or three, just seeing him on the show week
after week is enough for her. Truth to tell, I hold
pretty much to that way of thinking in my calmer moments
- LOL - but I now want to know WHY that's all we should
have to settle for?
Protests and critisisms are repaid by having him dropped
from any push and relegated to launching the careers of
other wrestlers. While I take a certain unKanny pride in
knowing a good many tusslers in the limelight today had
an enormous amount of help from "feuding" or
working with KANE, I just don't see why he's being so
underutilized. WHY can't KANE have the same expanse of
inring, mic and topbilling time as others who've clutched
the spotlight and held on for years, whether the fans
want them there or not??
Hell, I'm not even sure that is what KANE wants. Each and
everytime we hear from him in a written interview or on
ByteThis!, he's telling us he's very happy where he is. I
don't know how much freedom KANE feels he has to speak
his mind, but if this IS so, if the current affairs are
what makes HIS boat float, what good do we serve in
protesting and begging for more than what the WWE's been
giving us of him, IF we're at cross-purposes with what
KANE wants?
I can only take MY cue from the masked man's mouth. While
I'll NEVER like seeing KANE continuously get the short
end, I will watch him on each regularly televised show,
pay to go see him live when he comes with RAW to D.C.,
Baltimore and the surrounding areas - including traveling
with my son up to New York or Pittsburgh & Hershey
where I can watch him with my brother ;). I'll look
forward to being able see him at any fan signing
scheduled in my four hour traveling radius, and to take
pictures of him interacting with his fans.
And I've found a solution to my PPV problem - It took me
a good portion of last night and today to write this,
wanting to be expressive and constructive, and throughout
the day, I had a chance to talk with a few of my friends
who have always been professional wrestling fans, but
haven't wanted to spend the money on PPVs that held no
interest to them. We decided to gather once a month and
watch the PPVs together, splitting the cost so that each
of us can watch those wrestlers we cherish. So instead of
a payout to the WWE from four or five different
households, there'll be one. The consumers will
definitely feel they've gotten their money's worth ~ we
are STILL supporting our favorites, while the total
product leaves us vastly far from being satisfied.
We have been told time and again that Vince and Company
don't care to hear our protests, suggestions, or
petitions - told by the posturing of the WWE in
hardheaded determination not to give us what we have
stated we wanted; by the words of various wrestling
talent telling us, basically, that we don't KNOW what we
want and they'll continue to give us what THEY want. And
all stand around scratching their heads, perturbed at the
decline in viewer ratings and revenue - grasping at any
explanation they can . . . from the war to the economy to
basketball . . . instead of looking truth in the eye and
admitting to themselves that there won't be keen and
profit generating interest from the comsumers until they
provide a product we want.